I have a weiro (cockatiel bird) and the only place for him in our small house is the kitchen. The problem is he makes so much mess, seed ends up everywhere. I was thinking the problem over while on the way to a dinner gathering with friends. Then it hit me....
While looking for inspiration, pictures and ideas on pintrest and my "furniture to up-cycle" photos, I had a "eureka moment". I remembered finding this cabinet on the verge...that was it! I was going to turn into a bird house! I was so excited and started rambling, trying to explain my vision to Marty (hubby). He is not a newbie to my excited ramblings and normally stays calm and generally says something like "that's good honey, I don't rely get what you are talking about but I'm sure I will when you've finish it" ahhhh I love the calmness he brings but sometimes I just want someone to say "wow that is amazing" and get as crazy excited as I do, maybe even add some crazy ideas to my vision.
Being me I could not contain my new vision and told some friends about it as soon as we arrived at the dinner (yes I'm one of those people). I got varied reactions including crazy looks and "your talking about a bird house right?", to "sounds amazing and I'm sure it
will be" and "I don't know how you will do it but I believe you will." This was from a close friend who always believes in me. We all need a friend like her.
Oops I haven't explained my idea to you yet. OK my vision was to make the cupboard into a full size bird house like the kind of bird house you find in a garden but big and with a Victorian feel (gingerbread house). It would have some shelves removed and the remaining one would have a bird staircase (twig ladder). The roof would have a attic or in bird terms similar to a bird breeding box. The cage would have two doors the bottom one would have an acrylic panel. The bird will be fed on the lower level and the aim was to have the acrylic panel stop the seed getting all over my floor. The top door would be chicken wire and both would have scroll work detail. The lower drawers (missing) will store the bird seed and a hide away dog bowl for our puppy.Oh and i'll be using this antique door as the back wall. So let's get started!!!
First sanding down the door (another road side blessing) oh and the colours were amazing; cream,
buttermilk, brown, light grey and wood. I could not be happier, these are all tones and colours
I'm going for in my house and love.
I marked where the top of the cupboard came up to on the door (the door was taller than the cupboard) and then found the center on the top and drew a diagonal line joining them. This gave me the roof peek. Next I cut the waste sections off with circular saw.
I removed the shelves not needed and part of the top of the cabinet which allowed accesses to the bird's attic.
Next I secured the door to the back of the cupboard frame. This took some work and I added wood supports on the bottom behind the draws to lift the door to the height needed. I then screwed it all in place. I left the door hardware on so people will know it was a old door I love the uniqueness it brings.
Next was to cut a triangular piece for the front to matching the pitch of the top at the back. Sorry for the bad lighting I was working inside the workshop and Marty was getting sick of moving it in and out for me.
I used a light grey paint that complemented the grey showing through in the door. I used a louvre doors (another road side blessing) for the roof. This step was tricky as nothing on the cupboard, the old door or the louvres was sqaure. You get that when re-purposing. I hinged one side of the roof from the back, so we could lift it to clean inside and chose a charcoal color paint.
The doors were made from pallet wood painted white and I re-used the hardware from the original cupboard doors.
I cut down the acrylic and added it to the bottom door, securing it with small screws.
This is the fun bit designing the scroll work. I first do it on the computer then fine tune it when printing.
Once I'm happy with it I cut half of it out using 3mm MDF. This becomes my template that can be used again!!
I then painted it charcoal and added it to the top of one side of the roof, leaving the other side free so the louvred roof can still open up.
Here are the drawers, I made them from scratch. My Dad gave me the handles and they are attached with cobbler's nails that belonged to my Pop who is no longer with us. I love being able to add special memories where possible to my work, it makes them all the more special & meaningful. I didn't end up making a drawer into a dog bowl, just two normal drawers. I made something else for my dogs bowl, will share that with you in another post soon.
This is how the roof opens.We let birdie out in the morning to have a fly around.
What do you think?
He looks pretty happy doesn't he?
(crazy fact he lays eggs so he is either a clever boy or actually a she)
Well from birdie and me goodbye for now & Enjoy!