Saturday, 6 April 2013

Mushroom garden feature

The other day I was making these cute little bird houses which lead to this cute mushroom 

which In turn gave me the idea of turning this ugly stump that I have in the garden 
down beside my driveway into......

this!want to know how?


                                           you will need:
                                                              mission brown spray paint
                                                              heratage cream spray paint
                                                              foam gap filler
                                                              cup cake pans
                                                              foil pie tin
                                                              liquid nails

fill the pie tin and cup cake pans with a small amount of foam gap fill follow the directions on the side of the can. it will puff up over the next few hours 

once the foam fill has set take the knif and cut the top of just above the 
patty pan this will be the top of the mushroom.

put the mushroom top on a stick or a screwdriver and spray paint it with the hearatage cream paint. make sure you paint the bottom were you cut it this will seal the foam.

   paint around the edge with the mission brown paint to add detail to the mushroom.Once the paint has dried its time to glue them onto the stump.


Place a dob of liquid nails on all the stump ends that you are going to turn into a mushroom and..... 


 tadah, there you have it your mushroom garden feature. This little fellow moved in straight away.
I hope this will inspire you to get out into the garden and turn some ugly area into a piece of art.